Feeding 25K gal, arapaima have been well, update on several other fish (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Update on 4 arapaima: 2 look well and hungry, 1 looks hungry but not well, 1 looks sick (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Update on Bigger Bad the 20 (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Paroon catfish pig out, bigger one acts strange, Indian shovelnose dominates paroons, distichodus (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
25K gal second feeding of big mullet, wels ignores the dinner bell, sturgeon don't take it (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Arrival of 5 arapaima u0026 5 striped bass (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Four 2ft 6yo esok or 7-stripe carp in 25K gal (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Freeing another 240gal: TSN, gar, snook cichlid to 1800gal, black shark u0026 sailfin pleco to 240gal (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Our 1st ever largemouth bass, unnerving arrival u0026 acclimation, first hours in tank, feed offer (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)
Softer water triggers piraiba to attack 2 achara catfish; feed more; bonus Bigger Bad u0026 JellO feed (Fish Story, a DIY Public Aquarium \u0026 Fish Rescue)